How can I get involved?

There are many ways in which you can get involved with the museum. 


The museum operates with a terrific team of volunteers who welcome visitors, provide some guidance and encourage a revenue stream from the various artefacts on sale in the shop area.  Volunteers are essential to maintain our heritage and it is a very interesting role, if you would like to become involved, please contact Gail on 07909514667


The museum is a registered charity and relies very heavily on fund raising and donations. We have an annual quiz, an annual dinner, and  a street collection. Our only regular income is our  monthly lottery draw, the“100  club”.

100 Club

A person may purchase “100 club” units for £4 each month, there is no restriction  on the number of units held by one person. Each month there is a draw and 50% of the fund is paid out in prizes. If you would like to join the “100 club”, fill out this form and then please send this form to your bank or alternatively you can contact Gary Readman on 01642 723605.

Rules can be obtained here

100 Club Privacy Policy

The results of the 100 Club will be posted on our website under News and Events each month.

Donations /Hold Fundraising Event

If you would like to make a donation to the museum or would like to hold a fundraising event for us please contact Gary Readman on 01642 723605.